GETBULL.BIZ description:
GetBull Limited - private investment company incorporated in the UK.
Company Number: 13800999
Statement of capital: GBP 1,000,000.
Office address: 42 King Street West, Manchester, England, M3 2WY
Trading on the stock market, the Forex market, and cryptocurrency exchanges attracts investors and entrepreneurs enjoying high profits, as well as ordinary citizens who are financially literate. GetBull Limited has been operating on stock markets, the Forex market, and cryptocurrency exchanges since 2021, closing hundreds of successful deals daily and allowing private individuals with limited funds participate in this activity.
Stocks, fiat and digital currencies are liquid investment vehicles making it possible to profit off of the fluctuations in prices and rates. Trading at these markets requires expertise and significant knowledge, as well as the ability to aptly diversify risks, set up the investment portfolio, and analyze the factors affecting the price of a financial instrument. Alternatively, it is possible to place one’s funds under the management of experienced traders to obtain passive income according to a preestablished rate, without the need to get into the details of security market regulations, investment portfolios, or associated risks.